Friday 16 May 2014

Summer brief.

Summer Brief

Now that my Modual 2 is all completed and handed in I have been given a summer brief called "A Big Fib", in this brief we have been asked to create at least one illustration to hand in when we come back for our second year. In this brief I will be able to as much or as little as I want. But seeing as it is the summer and I will have a lot of free time on my hands, I think I will push to do as much as I can. I want to do quite a bit so that I am still in the swing of researching, blogging and drawing when I am in the second year. Also because I really like the idea of this brief, it gives me the freedom to do whatever I want and make as weird a piece/pieces of art as I want. In this brief we have been asked to tell what we have done over the summer, we can lie to any extent in our art work to create crazy pieces or even do something like an everyday activity. Obviously, I want to make it as weird as possible.
I have a few ideas of what I want to do with this, like a diary with a drawing for each day or even a graphic novel of a weird and crazy story.
But first I want to do some research in to other artists who are well known for their weird work.

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