Thursday 19 February 2015

Evil Within: Monster research

I am also looking at a game similar to Silent Hill, it too is about a hellish place filled with monstrous creatures born from tragedy and madness. These creatures too have significant meanings behind each just like the creatures from Silent Hill. I love that each of them have a significant origin born from human emotion, this gives artists the power to personify the dark side of the human mind. 
This awesomely horrific creature is called Reborn Laura, quite like The Memory of Helen (Silent Hill) it is born from the memory of Laura Victoriano, Ruvik's sister who died in a horrific barn fire that Ruvik himself barley escaped from. The only thing that can scare her is an open flame, and as somebody who's played the game I can say she is terrifying.

This creature is the Amalgam Alpha, a manifestation of the consciousness of the final test subjects that were connected to the STEM, and they are forever fused in to one single sinister creature filled with rage and revenge. 

The Sadist.
"A creature born from the mind of a murderer merged with Ruvik's madness. He has lost himself to rage, becoming murderousness personified" -In game quote. 

This is The Keeper, this is a monstrous creature born from Ruvik's mind. He comes from memories of a safe that Ruvik kept his research and horrors, this combined with the atrocities that Ruvik has committed, the creature protects these by killing anyone that comes near. 

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